Platform and Issues

Platforms and Issues 

The past two years have been difficult to say the least. For many students at UCI our lives were flipped upside down by the pandemic, some of us had to return to our home countries and suffered the difficulties of asynchronous classes, while others stayed back in California isolated from family and friends. As your next ASUCI President I want to ensure 3 things: your basic needs and health are cared for, campus is inclusive and interconnected, and school is as affordable and equitable as possible. Sounds simple at first, but it’s a little more complicated than you might think. Below is a brief summary of my platform and I’ll be adding more information to this document as we draw closer to Spring Elections.

A Universal Safety Net program
I believe that no student on our campus deserves to go hungry, no student on our campus deserves to be houseless, and that every student deserves to have their mental and physical health taken care of. I’ll push to ensure that ACC housing apartments prioritize our most vulnerable and that health resources like therapists and counselors are more accessible.

An inclusive and interconnected campus
I want to create a campus where our students not only feel welcomed and safe but also more connected than ever. I want our campus to build a restorative justice center that includes services that allows for community building, restorative justice and restorative responses for racial, sexual and other identity harms. Furthermore, I want to bring our school closer together by bringing all types of RCOs from Cultural Clubs to Greek Life together on a school wide philanthropy event. I believe this year-long project will not only improve campus morale but also campus cohesion.

Make higher education as affordable and equitable as possible
As President I will push against admin mandated tuition increases, because I believe affordable quality education is one of the main pillars of public education. I’ll continue to advocate to fund non-profit and cultural orgs on campus so that we can foster a more equitable and inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds. Finally, I want to ensure that our differently abled and low ses students are given the financial resources they need to excel at our campus.

*** Once again I will be providing more details about these overarching plans as we draw closer to the Spring Elections.

A vote for Hugh is a vote for you.

Help me ignite change in Irvine. The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are usually the ones that do.

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